Sunday, June 13, 2010

Michael leaves...and leaves a mess!!!

Saturday we had to take Michael to the doctors again for his ring worm. He gets it all the time and he doesn't seem to care. He never washes his sheets or pillow cases and sometimes he doesn't even put pillow cases on his pillows. I am so glad I was never a 16 year old boy cause they are truly disgusting! He said it keeps the "distractions" away (girls) so he can concentrate on sports. WHATEVER! Anyway, he needed something stronger then over the counter stuff cause it was spreading like wildfire and he was getting ready to fly out that night. So after getting the prescription and some wart remover, cause he has those too, it was time to pack up and get ready to go to the airport.
Usually when Michael flies there is some kind of delay or redirected flight issue. Last we checked the weather was fine for flying. We stopped for an early dinner at Cheeseburger In Paradise, hit Target for a gift, then off to the airport. Sure enough his flight was delayed 3 hours due to weather in Denver. He decided to stay and tough it out. I checked the web once we got home and he ended up leaving only 1 hour and 15 minutes late so that wasn't too bad. I haven't heard from him today so I don't know what time he got to Seattle. Hope he has a good time!! Kato has been cleaning his room and let me tell you again 16 YEAR OLD BOYS ARE SOOOOO GROSS!!!! I can't believe the stuff that is coming out of there. No wonder it stinks!! For all you mothers with boys who will be teenagers...get them trained or trade them in now before its too late!! thanks for reading xoxo

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