Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sympathy Pains or just an excuse for more ice cream...

Every night after I go to bed my husband hunkers down for his "relaxation time." He comes home from work around 6:15-6:30 on a normal night and we eat dinner. Shortly after dinner the kids want a Mr. Freeze popcicle. Sometimes Jade is fussy and wants only her Daddy and Alex wants to wrestle Dad. They fight over him and it gets frustrating. I understand why...they are with me all day so when Daddy gets home they want only him. Daddy gets a little frustrated and doesn't have the patients level to deal with it and sometimes he yells at them, which then I get upset cause I don't understand how he can be home for only a hour and a half and already he is pissy with the kids and their whiny fussy attitudes. Anyway, usually a beer is the best way for him to relax but lately his choice of yummy goodness is ice cream. So now every night after I go to bed and he is basically alone, sometimes Alex is with him, he enjoys a bowl of ice cream. Tonight I had to go to the grocery store and I debated for 5 minutes about getting him more ice cream or not. I finally decided that if he wants some he can go get it cause maybe he is ready for something other then chocolate chip mint. After dinner tonight he asked if I wanted to go for a walk. I said no because I needed to go out again to get a gift for someone and I didn't want to take the kids. He asked if I needed something from Sentry and I knew instantly that he was going for ice cream. I saw his empty container in the garbage this morning. He then says to me "I don't know whats wrong with me I never used to be like this...do you think its the pregnancy?" I have never craved ice cream during any of my pregnancies but who knows maybe its a sympathy thing. I am just happy that he is able to relax for a few minutes with ice cream before calling it a day, going to bed, and waking up to do it all over again. He's a good man. thanks for reading xoxo

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