Wednesday, June 23, 2010

someone is pissy and its me....

Man am I cranky today. If someone were to say "is anybody here wearing pissy pants?" I would proudly raise my hand. I am hot, sticky, fat, sweaty, tired, swollen, and for some reason I have a stomach ache. Our hot water isn't working and I need it to wash things like my hands after changing a poopy diaper or dishes. I checked the pilot light and I saw a blue flame so its on. The kids are fighting, but not with fists just with words and whiny voices, so its more like bickering and I am at my limit. I tried to close my eyes and get in a quick 10 minute cat nap but it got interrupted when Alex asked if he and Rylee could go outside, then if he could get a juice box, then again when are we going to go outside. It was 2pm and naptime for the rest of the kids. At 3 when everyone was awake, changed, and water was ready we go outside and all I hear is whining about how hot it is or so and so is not letting me do this or I had it first or well if you do this then Im not playing. Too bad I couldn't just put them all in the garage close the door go inside to the cool air conditioning (which by the way feels too hot still but it was cooler then outside) take a nap and periodically check to make sure no one is bleeding. I hope I sleep better tonight so I am not pissy tomorrow cause honestly I hate it when I am like this. thanks for reading xoxo

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