Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Grandma is coming to visit...

I am really excited because my Grandma is coming out with my mom in July. She will be here in a couple of weeks and will stay at least a week before flying back to Washington. I am really happy she will be able to meet the baby right away and hold her and rock her. Its been a long time since she held a brand new baby only hours old. She got to hold my niece but I think she was already a couple weeks old by that time. There is nothing better then having an awesome Grandma who loves and cares the way she does. She has always been such a positive influence and has given me the best advise about alot of things. When Kato and I first met and we went up to visit her, she told me not to wait to just get married. This was way before we got engaged. I asked her why and she said because she just knew that we were in love and happy and not to waste time. I am sure if I had married him that day she wouldn't have minded but it wouldn't have been the wedding of my dreams, like the one I actually had. Anyway, I always asked her how she put up with a man like my Grandpa for so long. Not that he wasn't a keeper but he was a little rough around the edges at times and I know he got under her skin a time or two but she always told me the same thing...she never put anyone above him except God. She put her husband first and worked it out when needed. She was very sad when he passed and felt very guilty for not being right at his side at the final moment. I told her it was because he didn't want to feel her sadness as he was trying to go to Jesus because it would make it harder for him to go. They believe in God and feel they are ready to meet Him when He calls. Its been a tough year for her. I hope the trip out here will help her remember the wonderful thing she created with my Grandpa, this family. Without her we would not be here. thanks for reading xoxo

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