Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Vacation Arrived

Summer is officially here...well summer vacation for the kids from school. Its been a busy week with extra kids all over all the time. Michael has his buddies over in the evening and there are a couple extra daycare kids during the day. Its been nice having them here even if they are loud and my tylenol bottle is empty again. Alex likes having Logan back to play with. The pool is open again and it would be so nice to go however the weather is not cooperating. I hope to get there next week. Last weekend I spent both Saturday and Sunday trying out double strollers with Jade. Its hard to decide but I think I found one that will meet the needs and wants. It should be here soon! Hard to believe I am down to 5 weeks as of Monday. Seems now I have no choice but to get my butt in gear and get things ready. Michael flies out tomorrow and will be gone for a few weeks. Hopefully he will come back in a good mood. Thats all for now. thanks for reading xoxo

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