Thursday, June 17, 2010

Water Fun Water Problems...

I took the daycare kids to the pool for the first time this season and it went pretty smoothly. I had talked with the older kids early in the morning about how we were going to go but we would not be able to swim in the big pool. I would like to be able to do that but with two babies who also want to be in the water I would not be able to watch the big kids along with the little kids. And if something were to happen there is no way I could be in two places at the same time. So for now we will stick with the little pool. The kids seemed ok with that for now and they seemed to understand. I would however love to get them in the big pool at least once cause from last year to this year their swimming abilities have greatly improved. Jade fell under about 4 times and by the third time she figured out to just stand up. She never cried about it. The kids had fun and I was glad to be able to take them. It was alot of work for me and I hope the next time it will be easier.

The city has been doing construction on the road one block over from us and it reeked havoc yesterday on our water supply. Apparently something happened and they had to turn off the water WITHOUT NOTICE!! I had 7 kids here and 5 of them are potty trained. Of course Alex was the first to tell me something was wrong. I guess the other kids didn't want to tell me the toilet wouldn't flush. Anyway, I called right away and told them I had daycare kids we are without extra water supply. They said it would be turned on by noon. IT WASN'T. I melted some ice from the freezer for a little bit of water and told the kids to not flush the toilets. Of course when you say that to the kids then they all have to go and they all did. I was not a happy camper cause it seemed they were going more then usual just cause the water was off. I checked the water before we left for the pool and it seemed to work but sporadically. Once we got home from the pool I quickly tried it and again it wasn't working right. The kids and I went to get something to eat and when we came back again problems with the water. I called the utilities and talked with the on call guy who ended up coming over and working on it cause he said things should be normal, they weren't. I ran the sink water and flushed the toilet at the same time and all the water shut off. After 45 minutes he got things back up and running. I was happy he fixed it even if it was a pain in the butt. Hopefully we won't have that problem again but with construction lasting for another 2 months I sure won't hold my breath! thanks for reading xoxo

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