Monday, June 21, 2010

Fathers Day Weekend

We had a great weekend although I was mostly tired and felt drained. Saturday we had to get some supplies for the breezeway project. It got painted and fixed up real nice. Grocery shopping again. I took Alex, Olivia, and Bailey to the pool for about an hour before they all went to Toy Story 3. Once returned we went out to dinner to one of the boy's favorites, Pizza Ranch. Actually I think any all you can eat buffet is their favorite. Its like I never feed them, but I do. Anyway, Sunday was Fathers Day so we went to breakfast with Jayne and Keith to the Riley Tavern. They only serve pancakes and sausage but you get to pick what kind of pancakes and since its a seasonal thing they offered blueberry, cranberry, chocolate chip, and buttermilk. My favorite was the cranberry. Alex gobbled up some chocolate chip and Jade enjoyed some blueberry. It was so good. Once back home Alex swam in our pool, Kato finished up, what he could, in the breezeway, and I was almost too tired to do anything. I harvested my lettuce, cleaned up what I could and enjoyed a salad. The breezeway looks awesome. I picked a dark brown color for the bottom, added a chair rail and picked a light blue for the top. Kato put up a shelf that needs to be painted and added some hooks to the chair rail so the little kids can hang up their own stuff. We are planning to get new flooring and maybe a new light fixture. I really like it. Kato did the work and bless his heart for doing such a great job. I am very lucky to have such a handy man around. I don't know what I would do without him. Kato got a new flip camera for fathers day and I can't wait to use it. I hope he had a good weekend. Happy Fathers Day Big Daddy!!! Love you! thanks for reading xoxo

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