Monday, August 16, 2010

Alex had oral surgery

Its sad when you look forward to getting up at 4am to take your daughters to grandmas so that you can take your son to the hospital for some oral surgery and while you are waiting the hour and a half your husband considers breakfast at the hospital cafeteria a "date." I guess in a way it was except he didn't have any money to pay for the meal so he left me hanging in the line while he hustled to the ATM for cash since they don't take debit cards and by the time we got it done and to the table the eggs were kinda cold. Anyway, the surgery went well and the dentist removed one really bad tooth. Alex wasn't aware that he would have that done and we weren't sure if it was going to happen or not. The dentist had to wait until he got in there to see. Once out of surgery we were able to go back to the recovery area and see him. He was really out of it but by the time we got back to his room he was waking up and ready to talk. Alex did great and was concerned about his "vampire teeth" and if they were ok. He asked about the hole in his mouth where his tooth used to be and what the hard thing was in its place, a spacer. He was also upset that they didn't take away a tooth from the other side, ya know just to even it out. We explained everything to him as best we could, and we checked out his newly removed tooth that he got to keep. He said the tooth fairy isn't real so I am not sure if it will go under his pillow tonight. They released him around 11am and we stopped at the gift shop where he picked out a stuffed cat to bring home. It seems he wasn't too traumatized by the ordeal and we are really thankful he is ok and its now done. The dentist did say his two front bottom teeth were loose and would probably fall out within a month. He is the last 5 year old I know who still hasn't lost a tooth naturally. I think he will do much better now and should hopefully eat a little better too. thanks for reading xoxo

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