Sunday, August 1, 2010

Good bye to the parental units...

In a blink of an eye everything changes. My parents left early this morning. I wasn't surprised that they were going to be gone before we got out of bed but I was a little surprised at how obvious it was that my mom wanted to leave. I know she has been here for awhile now and she was anxious to see Zak again but it was almost like she couldn't leave here fast enough. She packed up everything Saturday morning and put as much of it in her car as she could. Its fine tho I know how she is and its not personal. We went to Polka on the River and the kids had a little fun in the bouncy houses. Saturday night we had a good time grilling out and having dinner with Keith and Jayne. Followed by roasted marshmallows and smores. I got some beer but didn't have one, in fact I haven't had a beer yet. Usually I have at least one by now. As usual my parents left behind some things, a hat and a camera. I will be taking some photos and returning it to them soon. Now that things are getting more routine Jade has calmed down a bit. She seems to be getting better when it comes to me feeding Ella and Daddy giving Ella some time. I know it must be difficult for her I hope it just doesn't mess her up and she will come to love and want to be around her sister. They are, after all going to be sharing a room. At least that way Kato only has to put bars on one set of windows. Last night Ella decided to stay up until 2am. I was so tired and about ready to call in reinforcements (Daddy or Grandma) but she finally tuckered herself out. Lets hope for a more restful night tonight. Thank you to my mom for coming out and staying with us during the birth of our daughter Ella and thank you to my dad for coming out too. Couldn't have had my babies without you guys, well I suppose I could have but I am really glad I didn't have to! THANK YOU LOVE YOU!! thanks for reading xoxo

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