Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We are the worst parents EVER!!

Last night Alex was so tired he was just a bear. He had woken up at 6:30am and did not take a nap. The day before he had his oral surgery so he was also in a little bit of pain. We gave him Tylenol and Motrin through out the day as needed. Anyway, he and his dad were upstairs and from the living room downstairs it sounded like they were having a WWF Smackdown! Later Alex came downstairs crying and I asked him what was wrong. He proceeded to explain how daddy won this many times (he holds up 10 fingers) and he only let me win this many times (he holds up about 3 fingers). I started to giggle a little cause it was so cute and he was so upset all at once. He didn' t like that and all of a sudden he shouts out "YOU ARE THE WORST PARENTS EVER, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF ME!!!" I bust out laughing but turn my head as if I am coughing. I felt bad but only for two seconds because first of all how would he know if we are the worst parents ever when we are the only parents he knows and second he doesn't quite have the concept of being a good sport when it comes to losing a wrestling match with Dad. He thinks Kato should just let him win every time. So I holler up to Kato and he comes down so we can talk about the "worst parent ever!" situation. Kato asks him how we can be better and Alex said "let me win at wrestling," and we should let him do whatever he wants, and we should let Jade do whatever she wants also. We have been having to say no to him alot because he of his mouth, like no to straws, no to crunchy things to eat, and no to playing outside on Monday. Well we explained how that is dangerous and if we are the worst parents ever then its only because we love our kids and are trying to protect them. Of course he didn't understand that and was set in his ways. We will have to see what the next couple of days brings as far as his perception of us as parents go. I am sure that once he is allowed crunchy food, straws, and to play outside his views will change after all he is only 5 and hasn't had that many years of childhood to be able to critique our parenting skills. thanks for reading xoxo

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