Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Michael quit football

Its a sad day at the Katers house...Michael has decided not to play football this year. He wants to make money (so he says) but I have a feeling he wants to just spend more time hanging out with friends. Once school starts he won't have as many hours at the theater and he may end up regretting his decision not to play. Right now, as it is, he has been doing nothing but working and spending the money he earns hanging out with friends. They go out to eat all the time and he is blowing his chances of getting his license because he has to have enough money to pay for insurance. He thinks he knows everything and has it all, so only time will tell if he is making the right choices. Reality bites sometimes and thats just the way life is. I am heartbroken though cause he is such a great athlete and could have had the "turn around" season our town is looking for when it comes to football. We got a new coach and a new opportunity to make something of our team. In the end it was his decision, I just hope he is happy with it. thanks for reading xoxo

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