Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Camp Randall

Sunday we ventured out to Camp Randall for family fun day. It was really hot and there were alot of people there. Not the best environment for Jade cause she was hot and sweaty, cranky, and only wanted to be carried. We walked around and although it would have been nice to get autographs and photos with Bucky it would have been hard to stand in line with the kids in the heat without snacks for that long. So Kato snapped off a couple of shots and we headed out. It was neat to see him get down on the ground with Alex so he could feel the AstroTurf and hear his dad talk about the Badgers. They got a couple of posters and we figured next year would be a better year with the kids as they will be older and we will plan it a little better. We stopped to get Alex some new socks and plain white undies as per his request and then we headed to Culvers for dinner. Both kids ate really well and its nice to see Alex getting his healthy appetite back since his teeth have been fixed. We headed home, Kato bathed the kids and we watched a little football. It was a good day. Maternity leave is almost over and it will soon be time to get back to work. I am cherishing every day as much as possible although I am looking forward to having Michael and Alex in school. thanks for reading xoxo

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