Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Feeling domesticated

This morning the kids slept until 8:30 which was nice because at 2am this morning my husband went sneaking around and scared the sh** out of me. Apparently he got a phone call and had to get up to take it so on his way back to bed he heard Ella fussing. I got her up and was nursing her when he tip toed in without saying anything and I FREAKED OUT!! I probably wouldn't have been scared had he said something or made a little noise before popping his head around the corner like Freddy or Jason does before they slash someone up. Anyway, so it took me a little while to get back to sleep. Once we all got up, changed diapers, got milk, fed the baby, fed the kids, showered (yes it happened can't believe it myself) and went for a walk to the store I decided to make some banana cranberry bread. It was super yummy. I did some laundry but didn't carry it up, ran the dishwasher, got Jade down for a nap (which isn't easy anymore) and cut up the watermelon Alex grew in the garden. I am feeling domesticated!! Wish I wasn't sore and the doc would let me do more but I know healing time is important. Glad I don't get to vacuum, bummed I can't go swimming. thanks for reading xoxo

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