Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sleep baby sleep...PLEASE

There must be a switch built into children that gets turned on (by them) at random times only to throw us parents for a loop!! Either that or they are in cahoots with karma. For some reason Ella has decided to become a night owl! Sunday night I was so tired I could hardly stand it. I started getting the kids ready for bed around 8:15 and could hardly wait for 9 o'clock to get here, which is usually the time we put them all to bed. At 8:45ish I was going up to bed to feed Ella and pass out, Kato stayed up with Alex and Jade to finish brushing teeth and going potty and all that bed time jazz. Well as soon as Ella was fed (she only ate on one side before falling asleep) I laid her down in her bed where she slept for about 15 minutes and woke up. She was fussy and so I checked the diaper, burped her again (sometimes she burps later after a feeding) and when all else failed I fed her again. She fell asleep so back to bed. She slept for a few minute, woke up and was fussy again. I repeated the routine again, and again, and again. Finally at 11:30 Kato helped out. He held her, changed her, bounced her, she fell asleep so he laid her down. She woke up and started squawking again! I was so tired I was crying cause I had nothing left to feed her and she won't take a nuk. Kato took her I fell back asleep and when I woke up again she was in Jade's room in the swing sleeping peacefully. I guess around 1:30 Kato got tired too and figured he would try anything. Bless his heart he is a good dad and husband. So we got through that night barely! I hoped it was only a one night thing but Ella did it again last night. Today I am going to try to keep her up more during the day so we can get this sleep thing back on track. Plus I don't want to have to put her in the swing just to get her to sleep at night. My mom said I was a night owl too so it could be karma coming back to haunt me. For whatever the reason there is not enough coffee in this house to help with this issue. thanks for reading xoxo

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