Saturday, August 7, 2010

Zoo and Mustard

We took the younger kids to the zoo today. Alex really likes the penguins and Jade liked everything except riding in the stroller. She wanted to walk the entire time. We let the kids feed some goats and we saw everything there was to see. I forgot to bring the camera so I didn't get any photos this time around. I was surprised to see they really do have a badger there. Every time I have been to the zoo the badger was always in his den or whatever but today he was out and wondering all over his habitat, even drinking from his puddle. After the zoo we met up with Jayne in downtown Middleton at the Mustard Museum. They were having a mustard festival type thing going on. The wiener mobile was there and they had some music, tons of games for kids, mustard painting, balloons, and a bouncy house maze thing. We didn't stay long but Alex and Jayne went on to do some school supply shopping. Kato, the girls, and I got a couple of movies and ordered pizza. Alex got home around 9 and showed us all his school supplies. He is really excited for kindergarten. It was a good Saturday. Earlier today Kato and I were talking about something, I think it might have been the boat trailer, I told him I was going to blog about it but since I can't really remember what it was we were talking about I won't be able to blog about it, so there you go Mr. Katers blog blog blog!!! Thanks for reading xoxo

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