Thursday, August 12, 2010

Enough to go postal!!

Its 90 degrees outside and probably closer to 100 with the humidity. Jade has had a fever of 100 or higher for two days now. The doctor said its viral and to treat the symptoms, Tylenol and Motrin. Ella has decided not to nap today even tho she was up twice last night and she is eating every 1-2 hours. I have been trying to pay bills since 9am but everytime I get going the kids need something. My mom left her camera here and my dad left his hat. Its been a week since they have been home and I needed to get it out to them. I packed up the kids and headed two blocks to the post office. Once there they have a little kiosk with the "if it fits it ships" boxes. I find a box but its a little to small so I use an envelope with a tag next to it that says $4.90 or whatever the change is. Anyway, I put the stuff into the envelope and go inside to fill in the address. Alex and Jade are running all over the post office and going behind things and under tables, it was getting nuts and to top it off Ella started crying. I head up to the counter and the guy said "you want this overnighted?" I said no just normal delivery is fine. He said "this envelope is the overnight express and its $18 plus change." I said the sign next to the envelope where I got it said $4.90. He said yeah but its not. I said then there should be a sign that says its more. His reply was "well it says it all over the envelope." First of all it does not say on the envelope its going to cost $18 to mail it and second of all there is no sign next to the envelopes saying its going to cost $18 to mail it and third of all CAN YOU NOT HEAR MY KIDS GOING CRAZY IN HERE!!!! It was enough to make me go postal. So no offence to those of you who work at a post office but come on...if the sign says $4.90 next to the envelopes then why would I suspect it would cost me $18 and why should I have to change the fricken envelope if the sticker you place on it clearly states its to be delivered normal delivery. AND if the kids mess up your perfect little kiosk because you were to stupid to help a little bit more then too fricken bad, maybe next time you can offer a little help instead of just standing there watching all of the frustration build. I am glad the kids put finger prints all over your freshly cleaned glass door and yes I will have a good day, thank you. thanks for reading xoxo

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