Thursday, August 5, 2010

newborn into size 1 already

Funny how you get so emotional over the littlest things after having a baby. The other day Ella ran out of newborn size diapers so we started using the size ones. Makes sense to me because she is already weighing in at 9 pounds 4 ounces and the newborn size goes to 10 pounds. I didn't want to go out and buy more newborn size diapers when we have a good supply of size 1 plus size 1 starts at 8 pounds. Anyway last night I pick her up to feed her and change her diaper and I found one newborn size diaper in her changing area upstairs. I picked it up and looked at it for a moment and compared it to the size 1 and instantly started to cry. Probably due to the fluctuating hormones but also because its the last time my babies will ever wear a newborn size diaper and since I am not having anymore babies all these little reality reminders that my baby is not going to stay a baby for long hurts. Don't get me wrong it will be nice when Jade is out of diapers but Ella just started using them and she already is moving up a size. So here I am crying over a diaper and its not like some of the others where you cry because it stinks so bad and you don't want to change it or because its the 40th one you changed that day and it somehow has leaked all over your carpet again. Its just the reminder that your babies are growing up too fast. thanks for reading xoxo

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