Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to School shopping

Packed up the family today and headed to the mall area. We needed to get the boys some back to school jeans. Alex needs shoes too but it didn't happen today. We had to stop at the in laws to drop off the boat trailer so that on our way back we could bring the boat and trailer home with us. Once there I had to feed Ella so we let the kids out of their seats to run around in the van. The mosquitoes were out in full swing and I didn't want the kids out getting tore up, plus Alex would want to rock climb and Jade would want to follow and its not safe and no one would be able to watch them so that's just the way it is. Once at the mall area we ended up just going to Kohls. Michael found a pair he liked so we got two pairs in different colors. Alex and Jade were running all over and Jade was of course throwing fits. Alex had to try on the jeans cause he is so skinny I wanted to make sure they were not too big. He got two pairs of size 6 slims. They look good. Jade was screaming, Alex was trying to play with her, Ella was poopy, Michael was limping as he hurt his leg, and I was slowly learning why people with 4 kids don't go out. Its so weird cause I have watched 9 kids during daycare and have had no problems but the 4 of my own I can't seem to control and have no idea how to do this parenting thing anymore. It's as if my skills disappeared with my amniotic fluid. I am sure things would be better if Jade wasn't such a screaming machine, she just doesn't let it go and it builds and builds and gets louder and louder. No one wants to hear it and there is nothing Kato and I can do to get her to stop. We might invent a shock collar for kids just for this reason. I am sure parents would buy it. We could be millionaires then we could hire a nanny, a really mean one, to take care of the kids so that the two of us can sit back and eat bon bons all day. I know the kids are only temporary cause they will grow up and move out and I will look back on all this and wish for it back. thanks for reading xoxo

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