Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bedtime Routine Blues...

Its funny how time really does fly even if you are not having fun but just being busy. Case in point, its been a week since I have been able to post anything. I took the kids to the pool last Friday and they had fun. Ella did well and Alex was happy to be able to go in the big pool all by himself at times. Jade stayed in the little pool. We went again with Daddy on Sunday cause it was hot and the last day for the pool to be open. Alex had a dentist appointment this morning so I dropped the girls off at Grandmas for a couple hours. We stopped at Toys R Us afterwards so Alex could pick out a lunch box cause some days he might not like hot lunch from school, especially if its broccoli. After picking the girls back up we hit McDonald's for lunch. Kindergarten starts tomorrow so today we headed to the school so Alex could see his classroom, meet his teacher, drop off his school supplies, and get a little familiar with the place. Not much fun with both girls at their nap time, sure wish I had help for that one. We have been trying to get the kids in bed earlier so they can be prepared to start the new routine, its been difficult. We come up with new ideas on how to get it to work every night and so far its just jumbled chaos and usually ends with me frustrated cause I have to be the bad guy and say its time to brush teeth and get ready for bed. I give the 5 minute warning, the 2 minute warning then the its time to get ready command. Then I am the bad guy again cause the kids don't listen and then they get into trouble and before you know it I am the worst parent ever and I don't know how to take care of them! I would like to get the routine down and agreed upon tonight. Although I have to say its been nice having both Alex and Jade in bed and pretty much asleep by 9. Tonight they start bedtime at 8 which it does suck because Kato doesn't get home until 6 and that only leaves 2 hours before they have to be in bed and not much "Daddy time". It might not work for our family but Alex definitely needs to be in bed earlier then 9:30 or 10 cause he has to get up at 6:45. Already today he has been a bear and difficult. Oh Dear Lord please give me patients to deal with my blessings!!! thanks for reading xoxo

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