Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Boat Trailer and Back to Normal???

We went out yesterday to look at boat trailers and we were surprised that they are so hard to find. We would have called but it wasn't exactly easy searching for used boat trailers on line. Most places don't list what we are looking for. We tried Craigslist but didn't have much success either. So off we, Kato, Alex, Jade, Ella, and I, were and after the fourth stop or so we found one. Its not pretty and it needs a little work but for the price it was a steal!! Kato didn't seem excited at first but once we got it he perked up a bit. We stopped at Target too and ran into an old friend who was in our wedding, Rob, second from the right in our photo. On the way home we all fell asleep, except Kato who was driving. Alex got his backpack for school, it has Bucky Badger on it. Ella got her first pair of shoes, that were not hand me downs, and Jade got a hamster in a ball. Its not real and kind of like a Zhu Zhu pet. All is well at the Katers house and soon we will be back to normal well at least into a nice little routine since everyone is gone and Kato heads back to work. Let's hope the kids are good for me. thanks for reading xoxo

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