Thursday, June 11, 2009

April 14th 2009

Yesterday I found a spider in the house. It was huge at least the size of a dime. I figure it is getting to be that time of year again. Plus when I went to Michaels room I saw an attractive nuisance for bugs. He had an open empty bottle of energy drink, an empty box of pizza, an empty carton of ice cream, and a banana peel all sitting there just attracting bugs. They may have been empty but little bits of stuff is still there. To top it off his clothes were laying all over the floor which is frustrating considering the laundry room is less then 3 feet from the door to his room. I love Michael he is my first born and I admit sometimes I am too lenient but this is ridiculous. He is the only 15 year old I know who has 200+ DVDs, a 52 inch wide screen tv, surround sound, queen size bed, and various other nice components of a room, not that I know many 15 year olds but I always ask him if his friends have any of this stuff. How do you get a teenager to clean his room daily without being asked??
I hope he grows out of being messy soon. He wants responsibility to drive a car yet he can't be responsible for his own space. I know a 4 year old who cleans up better then Michael. Oh boy I hope Jade is a neat freak!! Thanks for reading xoxo
This is Michael wrestling with daycare kids

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