Thursday, June 11, 2009

Saturday April 4th

So what do you think?? I got two pair of glasses and these are Katos favorites. I got a pair of purple ones too and will post a pic later. It feels weird having them on and I am now having to get used to that but it is better when I am on the computer or reading. I don't think I need them for driving yet but take them with me just in case. Kato was on call and sure enough he got paged out so Alex and him went to work at a hospital. Alex wore the same thing as dad, his Motorola sweatshirt and jeans. He even took his toy tools. The nurses at the hospital really enjoyed having him there and when the job was done and as they were walking out, Alex looked up at his dad and said "Dad, Im still the boss right?" It must have been so cute to see that. So Jade and I went shopping today and got two tops for her to go with some pants that she has. I could have just had her wear a onesie with the pants but sometimes its nice just to have her in a normal shirt. For all you moms with lil ones you know what its like in spring and summer...a onesie is too much but they don't make many tops that are not a snappy crotch. Anyway we also hit the craft store for some stuff and then to Baby Depot for some more stuff and by the time we picked up my glasses it was time to get home and prepare for Michaels arrival. He was supposed to fly into Madison at 5:30pm. We were nervous cause the weather people mentioned we were going to get snow this weekend. Michael had a lay over in Chicago and we were preparing for the worst but guess what??? HE MADE IT TO MADISON and he was even EARLY!!! I was so shocked and happy. It was good to see him. Before we left Alex grabbed his wallet which contained play money and play credit cards. We decided to go eat at Applebees and our wonderful son Alex paid with his credit cards. He actually took them out of his wallet and gave them to the waitress. He then signed the customer copy of the bill and then gave his wallet and all its contents to Michael. It was very sweet of Alex to buy us all dinner. After we got home we watched Journey To The Center Of The Earth. Jade and I were very tired so we went up to bed and tried to watch Saturday Night Live but she was asleep before we got to the top of the stairs and I fell asleep before the first commercial. Thank goodness we didn't have to go to Chicago. thanks for reading xoxo

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