Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 4th 2009


things are going well here and we enjoyed our weekend up at greenbay. alex is doing wonderful at tball and enjoys it much more then soccer. jade started eating peas and hated it but now she is on green beans and eats them much better. michael will soon be on a trip back to wa to visit family and summer is almost here!!! not bad for such a short blog. oh and just some words of advise if you have naughty photos of yourself on your cell phone and you know who you are you might want to delete them before you go get a new phone because chances are the people at the cell phone store are looking through your photos when they take your phone to the "back" for downloading and test calling:) and thats all I wrote. I guess once I figure out what blog site I am using I will let you all know. thanks for reading xoxo

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