Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Brother

Michael left for Washington today. We got up early and drove him to Milwaukee to catch his flight. So far everything is going good. Its not until he comes home that we have to worry. Yesterday the kids and I went to the pool again. It went much smoother and I can only hope it continues in that direction from here on out. Of course I was down one child because she was ill and had to stay home but it shouldn't make that much difference because she is one of the older ones and lets face it the older ones can do more for themselves. Anyway, it was fun and our neighbors tagged alone. I really like all our neighbors, we all get alone and we all have kids, except for one but they don't seem to mind all the kids around. I think its because they are busy doing things and since they don't have kids themselves its kinda nice for them to sometimes hear our kids screaming and whining reminding them why they don't have any:) For some people kids just aren't for them. Today is my baby brothers birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK!!! I called him today and left him a message I hope he gets it. I think he is at a wedding today so if you look at the bright side at least he should have free beer tonight. I am really excited for July, we have alot to look forward to. My mom and grandma are coming out for a visit, I have a week of vacation which we are planning a trip up to the cottage and a day at the waterparks. We are going to a ball game, camping at Lake Michigan, and of course the Fourth of July is always fun. Time sure does fly in summer. Today its hot and muggy. We are supposed to get some storms later and I really want to grill some burgers so we will see how it goes. Well now that I am super tired and hot I think I will go relax a bit. Hope all is well with you. thanks for reading XOXO

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