Thursday, June 11, 2009

TGIF sorta

Michael was scheduled to fly in at 8:30pm yesterday. We had some pretty bad weather with freezing rain and that lead to three inches of ice everywhere including the airport. We had been watching the flight status on the internet and it said the flight was boarded but had not taken off yet. So each few minutes we would check it again and finally at 10:30 it said they were in flight and scheduled to land at 10:59pm. So off to the airport went Kato. It was very slippery and everyone drove super slow. It took him about an hour to get there and when he did arrive he noticed others waiting for the same flight. Meanwhile back at home I got up and kept checking the status and finally at 11:30ish I decided it was all good and needed to sleep. To my surprise Michael called shortly after, it was around 12:20am. He said MOM I am at Minn. Airport. Knowing this was a great joke I said ok Michael whatever. He said no mom seriously I am at the airport our flight had to go back. I guess it had gotten to Madison, realized it couldn’t land, circled for 2 hours and then went back to Minnesota. I was getting upset cause I am tired and there is no way this could be happening AGAIN!! I told him to put Kato on and to stop joking that it wasn’t funny…it wasn’t a joke, he really was in Minnesota again. So I quickly hung up and called Kato. What are we going to do?? Go get him?? Call Matt and Erin, cousins in that area, maybe they could go get him so he doesn’t have to stay at the airport?? Would another flight be available soon?? NOOOO of course not that would be too easy. So after about an hour it came down to this, Michael would not be home any time soon. The airport people got a bus to pick up everyone at 6:00am this morning and it was going to head to Madison. Michael is now on the bus somewhere between here and Minnesota and another travel adventure has hit the books. He is supposed to fly back out to Washington next month so we will see what adventure that brings. His luck should be changing soon I would think. He’s a good kid and if it weren’t for bad luck flying he would have no luck at all!! As Angelina Jolie said in Changeling “I want MY son back!“ Thanks for reading xoxo.
Ps. Its 12:25pm and he is finally home!! It’s a new record 27 hours.

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