Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday June 20

It was a beautiful day today. The sun was out and it was super hot!!! Jade and I got up around 6:40am and after her morning snack we went for a walk. It was perfect temp but I could tell it was going to be warm today. Kato cut his hair and Alex slept in. After we were all up we had to drop the car off at the dealership for a break inspection. It was getting super hot outside. We decided to beat the heat and head for an indoor adventure. Since we got these free passes to about 30 Wisconsin Attractions we decided to use the one for The House On The Rock. It was about a 45 minute drive from our house and since we were all up early we got there around 10:30. Its a pretty cool place. There was this guy (and I will not go into details cause you can check out the website or come visit me and we can go again) who built a house in the rocks on a hill and lived there for a bit. He had a collection of things like toys, musical instruments, guns, doll houses, carousel things, anyway its a tour of this house which then turns into a museum of toys and crazy things to look at. With Kato, Alex, Jade and I it took us 3 hours to go through the entire thing with one 30 minute break for a snack and potty. Jade and I oooohhhhed and aaaaahhhhhed over the doll houses and it reminded me of the one my grandpa built for me. I wish I still had it. I wish I still had the wooden stove too, you know mom the black and white one?? Anyway, it got me thinking we should construct one for Jade so maybe we have a fall project in store. Just some words of advise for you moms who have crafty dads who build things for your daughters DONT EVER LET YOUR EVIL AUNT KAREN TAKE THEM!!!! Keep them safe forever cause your daughter will want to give it to her daughter when she is older. Back to the day, this place had room after room of really cool stuff like an armory of weapons from the old days with actual Armor that knights would wear. It had so much stuff I don't even know where to begin or end for that matter so just go look at the website. After the House On The Rock we went to Madison to get Alex some sandals. He picked Spiderman of course and hopefully they will hold up cause they are more like crocs then sandals. I also scored on a pair of pants for Jade. We hit the grocery store and then it was time for home. Alex wanted to ride his two wheeler while we put away the groceries and now we are going to hang out with a movie, Pride and Glory I think it is. I hope you all had a great weekend and are enjoying your family. If you ever visit Wisconsin, be sure to go see The House On the Rock. thanks for reading XOXO
these pictures were from last weekend when we went to robot world also using the free passes we got!

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