Thursday, June 11, 2009

April 30th 2009

Alex started soccer two weeks ago. At first when you meet him he is shy and quiet. Later once he gets to know you he really opens up and is a different kid. He likes telling everyone he has practice but when he gets there he clams up and doesn't participate well. I think its because he doesn't really know anyone except for his dad. The first week he kinda sat out of the group but last week he seemed to open up a little bit more. I hope he comes around this Saturday and really gets involved. It reminds me of when Michael first started to play football. No one wanted to tackle or block anyone from the opposite team. We as parents thought it was because they felt weird touching someone they didn't know. At practices everyone tackled everyone but then again they knew each other. Now that Michael is older and playing football he has no problems taking out someone. Its funny how kids have no problems playing with other kids at the parks or swimming pools but when it comes to a close contact sport they shy away. Oh well at least he is getting experiences. thanks for reading xoxo

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