Thursday, June 11, 2009

March 29 2009

It was a great weekend. Friday night we got Michael all ready for his spring break trip to Washington. He definitely doesn’t seem to care much about hygiene as he did not pack a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, or any bathing product. I guess he figures it would be available out there. But then again he only took 2 pairs of underwear saying they could last about 18 days. WHAT!!! That’s gross!! He also only packed 2 pairs of socks. I guess my mentality is pack enough so you don’t have to do laundry every two days but for a guy, he will probably just turn his undies inside out?!? Anyway, after that we watched Twilight and went to bed.
Saturday Kato took Michael to the airport and from what it sounds like those stooges almost didn’t make it. Once Kato got home Jade woke up and was not going back to sleep, so Daddy and Jade went downstairs and watched I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry. Once Alex and I got up and moving we went to Madison and ran some errands. It ended up snowing Saturday night and so after going to Pizza Hut we hung out and watched You don’t mess with the Zohan. It was funny.
Sunday we woke up to about 4 inches of snow. The boys went out to shovel and the girls made breakfast. Keith is on his way over and he apparently has something he wants to talk about so we have been trying to guess what it is. I hope its good news.
So my tough lil Alex likes to have big muscles. He takes his sweat pants, puts them on his arms and then puts a shirt over it. It ends up looking like he has huge biceps. Well he decided instead of just one pair of pants he wanted to be RIPPED so he put on three. Nice pic huh??
Thanks for reading xoxo

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