Thursday, June 11, 2009

Feb 25th 2009

Howdy Partner. Cowboy Alex here just hoping ya'll have a great day!!
Tuesday’s are always more challenging for me. I have an extra kid during the day and you’d be surprised as to how much more work it is. To top it off one of the babies was a little more fussy then usual and that makes for not only a long day but a stressful one. I am trying to figure out how I can soothe the baby without having to hold the baby all day. So far not much is working. It gets especially difficult when I am trying to feed one and the other is really upset. I am hoping it won't last much longer.
Jade had her two week check up on Tuesday and she weighed in at 11 pounds 2 ounces and was 22 ½ inches long. She is a little bit small but we have a plan to get her going. I was relieved to hear that her lungs are completely clear and she has no signs of RSV. According to her growth chart her head is too big for her body but she is so darn cute that way. She got 7 doses of meds 3 shots total and one oral medicine which she liked. The doctor said she is advancing well and other then the feeding more she is in excellent health.
I will be heading out to Washington for a couple of days next week and am anxious to see my family. I haven’t been home in a couple of years. I wish I could have more time with all my friends but time is really limited and with a new baby it just might not work out. I hope they all understand.
Michael comes home tomorrow and I am eager to give him a big hug. It has been hard on him losing someone so close. With his travel experience I am really just hoping everything goes smoothly as 95% of the time there are issues with his flight. Last time he went to Washington and came back it took us 26 hours to get him due to weather and flights being canceled. And guess what??? Tomorrow we are supposed to have really bad weather. Please pray it will be just fine and he will arrive to Madison safely and on time.
Thanks for reading. XOXO
ps. I just found out my grandfather is in the hospital. Please send a prayer out for him. Love you grandpa please get better soon!

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