Thursday, June 11, 2009


What a glorious day!!! It was beautiful outside, Kato came home from work early, and Jade got her first tooth! I couldn’t believe it. I was playing with her and she decided to bite on my knuckle. I felt something and so I went in with my finger to investigate and what do you know??? A tooth was popping through. Its on the bottom, right side, front of her mouth. The other one next to it will be here soon too. I quickly called Daddy and told him of his little girls big accomplishment and he was super excited. Once off the phone I realized something, would I still be able to feed her without injury to myself?? I might have to start weaning her off. I guess people still breastfeed when their kids have teeth but to me that seems nuts!! I would love to show you a photo but I don’t have a camera that can take a close up of something that small and still have it be clear. So this one is of her hanging out on the floor and you can see she has a runny nose, probably from the tooth. Anyway, I checked Alex’s baby book to see when he got his first tooth and he too was almost 6 months old. He got two teeth in June and then nothing until August. Hopefully Jade will be like that too. At least she wasn’t too bad. I thought something was up these past couple weeks because as I wrote earlier she hasn’t been feeling well or sleeping well but now it all makes sense.
Kato’s cousins are coming up for the weekend and we have been getting ready. We want to go to the zoo or something but its rainy today. We are supposed to grill out with the neighbors too tonight but we will see what the weather brings. Kato is outside right now vacuuming the driveway. Yes I said vacuuming the driveway. He doesn’t like those little tree things that get stuck in the cracks of the driveway. He also washed the house cause those same things get stuck on the siding. He is such a busy guy!! Gotta love him though, he is just so cute and yet very manly. Thanks for reading xoxo

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