Thursday, June 11, 2009

March 5th 2009

Jade and I leave for Washington tomorrow morning very early. I hope she will be good on the flight and not scream and cry. I worry it will hurt her ears and I am not sure what to do to help besides have her suck on something. Maybe I will get lucky and she will sleep right through it. Alex was good flying, he never cried and was very relaxed. I doubt I will get that lucky again. I am excited to see the family and a little nervous about seeing my Grandpa. He got sick and they gave him meds which kinda messed him up and now he has to go to a rehab home to learn to do normal things again. He gets a little out of his head with pain meds and apparently now he can’t even feed himself. I love him so much and its weird for me to think about this big strong Norwegian man that I have known all my life having these types of medical problems. I know my grandparents are getting older and will pass one day but I want it to be peaceful and in their sleep. Not in some strange place and certainly not when or because they were out of their minds.
The other night we were out to eat at Green Acres with the in laws and Grandpa Keith asked Alex if Jade was going to eat frog legs, Alex said no. He then asked if she was going to eat a steak and Alex said “NOOOO she only eats boobs!” Yes he said it loud enough for everyone to hear but that’s kids for ya.
Michael starts drivers ed pretty soon and we were talking last night in the car about how he will be the one driving us to the store and I about pee’d my pants. I am not ready for this part of parenting. What should the rules about driving be? Should I make him pay for his own auto insurance like my parents did? Should I not allow him to drive the new car? Should I even let him get his license with his grades being a bit too low? Oh my goodness what a roller coaster!!

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