Thursday, June 18, 2009


We have a little neighbor girl named Olivia and today she came home from school and said "Kara, Kara, Guess what I learned to do today?" I got excited cause I already knew what it was but love playing along and said "WHAT??" She said she learned to ride a two wheeler. I said no way show me. So she hopped on her bike and away she went. Next thing you know Alex said "oh yeah I can do that." I said put on your helmet and wait for me. I had to run in to get Jade and put her in the jumpy. He got on her bike and away he went. I couldn't believe it!! My lil nugget was riding a two wheeler!! So I asked if he wanted his training wheels off his bike and he said yes. I got to the tool bench, found the right thing that goes click click click when you turn it to remove the bolt thingy and TA DAAA the training wheels were off. He was so excited and I was so excited. It brought back memories of Michael riding his little red bike, training wheels also freshly removed, in his bomber jacket and helmet at GG and Papas old red house in their driveway. Its funny cause both boys were about the same age. Alex was so proud and the next cool thing was Kato just drove up and saw it too. Alex had only been riding maybe 5 minutes. So for the next hour that is all he did, ride ride ride in a circle but boy could he ride. Later after dinner I went back out and he was popping wheelies. It was a great Thursday!!! Way to go ALEX!!! thanks for reading xoxo

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