Thursday, June 11, 2009

Memorial Day

Monday Memorial Day
Once again Jade woke up early so we were up at the butt crack of dawn. I came downstairs wondering where my husband was and found him and Alex curled up on the floor. I knew Kato would be achy from that nights sleep. He quickly made some coffee and we waited for everyone else to get up. I didn’t cook anything for breakfast as I was tapped out for a bit. We hung up the flags outside on the house and cleaned up. The cousins left around 11 and we decided to go to Brat Fest in Madison. We met up with Jayne, Keith, Jennie, Runkle, Aaron, Melissa, Ben and Benjamin. It was a lot of fun just talking and hanging out listening to some great music and once again eating meat! Alex went on two rides and Jade was really fussy. I think she was also tapped out from all the activities this weekend including her teeth cutting. I too didn’t eat super healthy, too much meat, so she may have had a tummy ache. After a bit we left and stopped at Jayne and Keith’s house to see Jades room. It is so cute. They painted the ceiling blue and the walls green and had fairies and flowers all over. It really is a great room for a little girl. Alex has a room there too its decorated in jungle animals. Once we got home Jade seemed to be better and we ordered pizza. I think I would like to become a vegetarian for a couple of days. I would like to say THANK YOU to a couple of special people in my life today. First to my Grandpa Dale for his service to this country, to my wonderful husband Kato THANK YOU and I love you very much, to my Uncle Bernie THANK YOU. To the Lamb family members of the service as well as the Katers THANK YOU! The service men and women of this country don’t get the thanks they deserve everyday and they should. I am glad we have at least one day set aside to remind us of their sacrifices. Without them we would not be able to do the things that we do, have the things that we have and to be able to go to sleep at night knowing someone is watching out for us in all areas of this world. We are blessed to have them, fortunate to know them, and humbled by their courage and commitment to the United States of America. If you haven’t hugged your service member today maybe you should and tomorrow remind them again how thankful we are for them. Thanks for reading and Happy Memorial Day. xoxo
This is Alex at Brat Fest. We saw a little critter in the water eating some greens. He was checking it out!

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