Thursday, June 11, 2009

May Days

We had a great weekend. Friday night was low key and just a regular night but Saturday night was awesome!! Saturday morning we woke up and all went to Alex’s soccer practice. Once again he didn’t want to participate because he was shy. I am not sure what to do at this point. We may try to take him to the early practice because at least Logan and Olivia will be there and he may play since they play. After practice we went out to get some grass seed and look at getting a log splitter so we can finally chop the wood on the side of the garage. We have had it for 2 years now. The log splitter is $55 to rent and the store didn’t have one available. Once we got home we got started on yard work. Pulling weeds and poking holes followed by mowing. Then we planted some seeds in the dead spots where Chief left his mark. After that it was time to get fancy as my husband was taking me out. Kato picked a place and we dropped the kids off at Grandma Jayne’s house. He didn’t tell me where we were going and that made it fun. Once downtown we went to Porta Bellas. It was a nice Italian restaurant. We had a great dinner and went for a quick walk down State Street. The UW campus is there so it was busy with parting college students who were loud and obviously working toward a hangover. We picked up the kids and thanked the in laws with a cannoli. Back at home we watched Hellboy II for the third time. Not by choice but because each time we rented it the disc was the wrong kind or it was scratched up and didn’t work. We finished the movie and went to bed cause all the outside time really made us sleepy. I was very proud of my husband for picking such a great spot and it was really nice to have a date night. I hope we do it again soon. Sunday morning arrived and I woke up alone as Kato and the kids were up and downstairs. I quickly got ready to start the day. We finished up in the yard and went to get more seed for the front yard, hay to lay over it and some top soil to fill in some patches. Kato found the mole’s den by stepping in it and it was pretty big. He filled it in and hopefully we won’t have anymore holes. We took a long walk and then grilled out. Everyone needed a bath/shower so once we all got cleaned up we sat down to watch some tv. Alex and Jade fell asleep quick and so we got to watch some stuff in peace and quiet. All in all it was a perfect weekend. Thanks for reading xoxo

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