Thursday, June 11, 2009

March 24

Its raining its pouring I think we will soon be going....CRAZY!! It is only Tuesday and this week is already driving me insane!! Long stressful days too much to do and not enough time to do it and oh my the headaches!! I should invest my money in Tylenol cause they are making huge profits from me. I wish I could drown myself in Rum and Coke but that would not be good for the baby. Oh I am sure this will pass. Thank you to our Heavenly Father for helping my grandfather to get better and watching over him and my grandma. The news of his recovery is so wonderful. Thank you to those of you who have said a prayer for them! Now I must go as Jade has completely filled her diaper with squishy sounds of what must be her lunch and dinner. thanks for reading xoxo

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