Thursday, June 11, 2009

March 12 2009

It was a pretty good day today. The kids were fairly well. Kale was a bit fussy this morning but he got better towards the afternoon. He is really moving about now. Its amazing how fast babies go from not being able to do anything to doing too much. I will have to put up a gate to keep him out of the kitchen. He loves the animal sounds right now so when hes super fussy I have that to fall back least for awhile. Jade has been sucking her thumb like crazy. She spits out her nuk and opts for the thumb, I hope she doesn't become a thumb sucker. Alex was back at school today and he was a bear getting him ready. I leave for a weekend and his schedule goes out the window. I guess while I was gone the boys went and got some pizza and stopped at the movie store. They rented enough movies to get a free 2 liter of soda and like any dad, Kato picks Mt. Dew. So at 12:30 at night Alex was all jacked up on Mt. Dew and sitting there wide eyed and working his legs like he is the thigh master. At least they had fun. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday I am looking forward to the weekend. This pic is one of my favs from the trip. Its my cousin Kip teaching Jade what to do if a boy messes with her. thanks for reading. XOXO

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