Thursday, June 11, 2009


Alex had his first Tball practice last night. I wasn’t able to go because someone drove a work vehicle home and I didn’t have a place for Jade to ride. I suppose I could have walked but it would have taken me almost 20 minutes to get there and its only a 45-50 minute session. So I had Kato take a few pics for me. When Alex got home we talked about it and he said he liked it much better then soccer. He is going to be in a play this Friday, he will be the Muffin Man. His teacher told me yesterday that he got a little nervous when people were watching him and he felt like they were laughing at him. When she explained that they weren’t laughing but smiling because he is so cute he almost burst into tears. I have been talking with him a couple times a day about how people will be there to watch and sometimes they will smile and laugh but not at him its because the kids are so cute and laughing isn’t mean. I hope he will do ok on Friday. Tomorrow is Alex’s last day of school. He will go to the 4 year old class in September and then in 2010 he will start Kindergarten. Tomorrow night Kato, Michael, and I are going to a dinner sponsored by MADD and its purpose is to talk about teen driving and answer any questions we might have. They also will have information about insurance and its just a chance for other parents to talk about the concerns of their teen driver. I hope it won’t be a waste of time. I really hope the food is goodJ Jayne is going to come sit with Alex and Jade. Then Saturday its up to Green Bay for Earl and Dorothy Katers 60th wedding anniversary party. Thanks for reading xoxo

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