Thursday, June 11, 2009


Yes that is my husband. Yes he was sober.
What a week…Jade woke up Monday seeming just fine and later that night she seemed fussy and not able to get comfy to sleep. Tuesday morning she woke up and was so fussy that I knew something was wrong. It could have been an ear infection or sore throat or something so I had Kato take her to the doctor. They couldn’t find anything so they advised to just keep giving her Tylenol and Motrin. Well Wednesday she woke up with green snot caked all over her face and a fever of 101. Since the doctors weren’t much help I just kept a close eye and continued the medicines. Her fever broke by Thursday and she is feeling much better. She has a clear runny nose still but so far her lungs sound clear. Today I get a call from one of my moms who says her little boy is super fussy and has a low fever. Well I already had plans to take Michael to the doctors for some skin rash so I offered to meet her there but she was able to get him in earlier. It turns out he has ear infection. So while I was at the doctors this morning with Michael, Alex was at a gym in Madison on a field trip with school. Jade, Michael and I only had to wait a minute before the doctor was in and then the bad news hit. Now before I tell you what’s up with Michael just know he is 15 ½ years old. He loves to hang out with friends, wrestle, hike through woods, climb stuff, explore and just be a boy. He showers everyday and we are still trying to convince him that he should really brush his teeth twice a day. On weekends he spends the night with friends hanging out everywhere but home. Ok so on Monday he presents me with a rash that looks like chiggers. I give him some hydrocortisone cream and he uses it daily. The rash is spreading and looking worse so I made an appointment for this morning. It turned out to be scabies. I was shocked! Now the entire family, the daycare kids, and of course Michaels friends whom he has been hanging out with all have to use some prescription cream for twelve hours and then use it again in one week. Plus we have to wash everything with super hot water. We do laundry regularly but now it has to all be done tonight. Oh the joys of parenting. I checked Alex over and he doesn’t have any spots or areas of concern which is good considering he was at a gym today where I am sure he had close contact with others. Since I have learned the news of Michaels fate I feel itchy and I know its all in my head but still. So now its Friday and we are supposed to enjoy the weekend but instead it will be filled with creams and laundry and cleaning extensively. The good news is that there are no confirmed cases or probable cases of swine flu in Sauk Prairie. Bad things happen in threes so after this we should be good to go for awhile. Thanks for reading xoxo

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