Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sunday Devils Lake memorial day weekend

Sunday we woke up early and I made us all homemade waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, bacon and sausage and we had some left over fruit salad. After cooking and cleaning up I chopped up some veggies and threw it all in a cooler so we could head up to Devils Lake. We didn’t leave until noon and it took us 2 hours to get into the park. Once there I had to turn around and take Michael back home so he could go milk cows with a friend. I fed Jade and we once again headed up to Devils Lake to meet up with the cousins, Kato and Alex. They picked a great spot next to the lake and the boys fished and we ate the veggies and chips and dip. The girls hung out for a bit and we walked along the beach and soaked up the sun. Jade got her first pair of sunglasses from Lala and she looked so cute in them. The boys didn’t have any luck fishing so we packed up around 5 and came back home. We picked up some chicken and grilled out. Once done eating and cleaning up, thanks again Hubby, we watched Bedtime Stories. Jade got tired so I had to take her to bed before I could finish the movie. It was a long day so I crashed out. thanks for reading xoxo

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