Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12 2008

Well Jade had a doctors appointment today. She weighed in at 15 pounds 12 ounces and was 25 inches long and that puts her down in the 45% range. This is a lower percent then her last appointment. I guess its ok though cause now she is a bit more active. Her head however is still way too big for her body in my opinion. Its in the 75%. That means her head is bigger then 75 out of 100 babies her same age. I hope its not a sign of whats to come. Anyway the doctor said she is in good health and has met or exceeded all milestones for kids her age. I think its time for doctors to update their expectation lists. I know all babies are different but it just seems weird to me how someone can say so and so should be doing this by now or wow that is really advanced for their age. She is doing great and is more happy then fussy, doesn't mind being alone or with someone, eats and sleeps without issues and is a very content baby. We got lucky with her. The babies are sleeping and Alex and I are listening to his kids bop CD. I hope all is well with you today and you have a great weekend. thanks for reading xoxo

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