Thursday, June 11, 2009

May 4th 2009

Jade is weighing in at 14 pounds 5 ounces. That is good news and she has reached the 50% mark in her weight and height. Her head is still too big for her body at 65%. That means that of 100 kids her head is bigger then 65 of them. She is getting up there with the others. The doctor said she can start cereal so we did. She does really well with it. I am still feeding her and that is going good too. I know I will have to stop before September because I am planning to meet the ladies for the Seahawks game in San Francisco. She is rolling both ways and loves her jumper. She has a bumbo to help her sit and she will sit in it for a bit but she prefers to be in her jumper or on the floor to roll and kick and play. She is sleeping through the night but sometimes wakes up for a snack. The doctor said I shouldn’t feed her but then again he isn’t the one with milk jugs that need to be emptied. She will be 5 months in a couple of days and the time is really flying by. Speaking of flying, since we have been back from WA we both haven’t had any symptoms of swine flu so I think we got lucky. I hope none of the daycare kids come in contact with anyone who has been exposed. I don’t want it near me or my family. Plus I don’t want the daycare kids to get sick. I have them using hand sanitizer and washing their hands often. Sometimes I think I am borderline germaphobe. Maybe I just hate being sick myself. Anyway I hope everyone stays healthy and this swine flu goes away!!
this photo is Jade wearing my Grandpas slip from when he was a baby. we miss you Grandpa and I think of you everyday. I love you.
Thanks for reading xoxo
I have posted this pic before but I really love it

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