Thursday, June 11, 2009

Little Ones

TEENAGERS UGH!!! It sucks that with children the older they get the less they are to try and please their parents. For example, Alex is always concerned if we are mad at him. If we answer yes he gets heartbroken and cries, if we answer no he just says oh. With Michael he doesn’t seem to change no matter what we say or do. He doesn’t seem to get the concept of turning off the heater downstairs before leaving for school which makes us parents mad cause its expensive to run heat without a body to warm. So Kato posted notes on the thermostat, on his light switch plate, and on the door as he leaves for school to turn off the heat, yet despite all the attempts he still LEAVES IT ON!! Our bill for the month was $60 higher because he leaves it on all the time and sometimes turns it up to 80. Now I remember as a kid I used to do this to my parents too. In my room I had a heater with its own knob thing and I used to turn it up and they too would get really mad but then again my parents would leave windows open during winter time. So I apologize to my parents and know that this stage with Michael is only temporary and he too will have his own children that will do the exact same thing to him. The lesson here is to just remember all things with our kids are temporary and one day they will grow up and we will wish with all our hearts we could go back for just a moment and spend that extra time with them as “little ones.”
xoxo thanks for reading

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