Thursday, June 11, 2009

UP at 6:30 AM

I woke up this morning at 6:30am. Yes that was AM!! I don't even get out of bed until 10-15 after 7 on a work day. I couldn't fall back asleep so when I heard Kato was up at 6:45 I thought WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH US!! Our kids are still sleeping even the baby and here we are working on the computer, making a grocery list, doing laundry, drinking coffee. Have we become ADULTS like real ADULTS. You know the kinds that get up early and go to bed around 8 or 9 and watch nothing but the news and comment on every little building that is being built in our community and saying "I wonder what they are building there?" The kind that like to go for a drive just to see the scenery!! UGHHHH I must drink beer tonight, stay up late and oh wait Alex has to sing at church tomorrow and I don't think I could take it with a hang over and yes I am still feeding Jade and it wouldn't be fair for her to drink beer. OK maybe we are just becoming responsible parents who are just excited that today is Alex's first day of soccer practice and we can't wait to watch him play. GOOD LUCK ALEX we love you!!! thanks for reading xoxo

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