Thursday, June 11, 2009

TGIF 2/20/09

So I am changing my font size in case my grandparents visit my parents or fabulous auntie gail and try to read my blog. If the font is too small they may have a hard time so this is for you GG and Papa. Anyway last night was great. My darling hubby came home with some yellow flowers and my favorite bottle of white wine, Kendall Jackson chardonnay, (not sure what my fav red is but open to suggestions on what to try, I like merlot). I opened my gift from the in laws and found a beautiful bracelet that I can't wait to show off. The cake was good too. I had about 4 oz of the wine and would have liked to have a bit more but since I am feeding Jade I can't have too much although the doc says its ok to have about 8 oz. Then we watched the Thursday night line up and hit the sack. Jade however didn't make it easy to sleep she was a bit squirmy and seemed to not like laying flat yet. As some of you know she was pretty sick last week and just today I learned from the doc that she indeed had/has RSV. She was tested last week at the clinic but it came back neg so when we were at the hospital they ordered more tests that had to be sent out and they came back today as positive RSV. She is doing so much better now but I don't think she is ready to be sleeping flat yet so tonight its back in the elevated position for her. This picture is so sweet, don't you think? Alex wanted Jade to snuggle him so we had her lay in his bed for a few minutes and he just snuggled and giggled with her. Its nice they get along so well now cause I am sure in a couple of years it will change. Since I have been blogging, this is only the 2nd day, I have been blessed to be reunited with some really good friends. This thing is great!! I can't wait to catch up and hear about all that's been going on. Please keep Michael in your prayers as he is going through the terrible loss of his grandfather Larry. Michael and Larry were always really close and I know his heart is heavy with sadness. Larry was always good to us and will be missed. My mom is so great too she picked up Michael at the airport and was kind enough to get some meals prepared for Michael and his dad, Pat, as Michael is staying with him in WA while they prepare for Larry's services.
I have been trying to get my butt back in shape since Jades birth but seem to have that "no time" syndrome for my workouts. I get about 2 workouts in a week if I am lucky and I would like to have at least 4. I like the tae-bo cause it helps me to kick the pants out of my stress as well. Not that I am that stressed out but between crying babies all day and the frantic chaos of life the stress does build. We have a treadmill that I can use at night after all the kids are picked up but Kato gets home so late then there's dinner, baths, cleaning up, feedings, and running to the store for milk it gets late so quick and a free half hour is nonexistent. Plus its a little bit hard to get that walk in when Kato is not here to watch the kids cause they seem to need something every 5 minutes. So how does a mom who wants to get into shape at home go about juggling it all and find time to herself to work out? I guess if I work out in five minute intervals that would work but is that effective? Anyway, looking forward to tomorrow cause it might mean I can sleep in a bit. Jade gets up to eat about 5am and then I am up at 7 to get ready for the day and she still sleeps which is helpful. Sometimes she is up and I take her into the bathroom with me to shower cause I worry leaving her in another room for that 10 minutes or so. Alex would sleep in until 9 or 10 if I let him. Jade and I are going to WA in a couple of weeks for a short visit so that she can meet the family. I am anxious to get home as I haven't been home in a very long time. I hope she will be ok during the flight as everyone knows how much it sucks to be seated next to the screaming baby. I am sure I will get "the looks" from plenty of travelers. I guess I should look into getting a hat or shirt that says something like "say one word and I'll fling baby poop on you" or "you don't see me complaining about your B.O." Ok so that's all for today. Love to you family and friends. k

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