Thursday, June 11, 2009

March 22 2009

SUNDAY- Gorgeous outside!! Jade and I slept in and didn’t get out of bed until after 9am. It was nice. We started cleaning right away so we could get outside and do some yard work. After cleaning the house we piled into the van and headed to the Pig and then to subway so we could eat fresh. Once we got home Kato and Jade watched the Badgers basketball game which they lost and Alex and I went outside. I worked in the yard while Alex played. Soon after the game Jade and Kato came out and we got the garage all set for spring/summer. It was nice to finally get all the Xmas decorations down. The snow is gone and only a few bits of ice patches remain. It was great to get these things done so we could grill out early and get ready for Sunday night. It is the last few hours of a non-work day and we like to enjoy it. I hope tomorrow the kids are good and the weather is nice so we can be outside.
Thanks for reading xoxo

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