Thursday, June 11, 2009

March 21 2009

This weekend we went up to GreenBay to have Jade meet Katos grandparents for the first time. We met up witht the grandparents at the Bayview Motel and Restaurant. Everyone there knew who we were almost immediately. I guess Grandma and Grandpa were so excited for us to come they told everyone about it. I enjoyed a veggie skillet while Kato had the western skillet. Michael, for some reason, chose that exact time to try walleye. He ended up drowning the fish in ketchup. Since they didn’t have cotton candy Alex only had bits from our plates. The Grandparents really enjoyed showing us off to all their friends. After that we went to their house where we talked and they got to hold Jade. She was a great baby and didn’t fuss at all. I got some great photos of everyone. I could tell they were very excited for our visit. After a bit we went to the Packer Pro shop. No cotton candy there for Alex too bad. I got a little out of control as soon as I saw the SALE sign. The sale was really a sale and most of the stuff was at least 50% off!!! I got some really cute stuff. Jade got her first Packer pennant for her room and yes its pink. After resisting the evil temptation to go broke we headed over to Krolls for some butter burgers and chili and once again no cotton candy. It is sooo good. After 9 years of going there we finally ate in the restaurant section instead of the bar. The bar part is smoking so with the young kids its not an option to sit there. Once we were spent we decided to head out of town except we had one more mission while in Green Bay…to find cotton candy. Alex had been such a good boy we knew if we left without his one little desire we wouldn’t hear the end of it. So off to the one place we suspected would have it…Chuck E Cheese. VICTORY!! We found some blue cotton candy and headed for home. Within 10 minutes of driving Alex had eaten half the bag and passed out. We got home about 7:15 and watched Leatherheads, I was pretty tired so after the movie it was straight to bed for the girls and the boys stayed up playing video games. It was a good day.
Thanks for reading xoxo

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