Thursday, June 11, 2009

Is the Easter Bunny Here Yet?

We had a good Friday. The kids worked on Easter eggs this week and finally finished them today. Then we busted out the animal hats and pretended to be animals. It was super fun. We played outside a bit and everyone got picked up early. Not bad at all. Kato stayed over night up at Fond du Lac, to finish up that project for work and as usual I got stuck with the household. Cook dinner, clean up dinner, feed Jade dinner, bathing, reading books, feed the dog, let out the dog, set up the dog bed, clean up toys, wipe butts, change diapers and then bed time. It took us 45 minutes to get ready for bed cause Chief is here and I had both Jade and Alex to tend to. Its normally a 10-15 minute process. I didn't sleep that great but then again who does when you have an infant who doesn't sleep through the night all the time. So to top it off I had to make my own coffee this morning. I refuse to cook tonight so take out or delivery it is cause I am not going out either. Well TGIF and thanks for reading xoxo

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