Thursday, June 11, 2009

Will He Make It Home...

It has been our experience that whenever Michael flies home from somewhere there are always delays and/or cancellations. For example when he moved back here in June of 08 we booked his flight home to come into Milwaukee well as it turned out that exact day there were tornado's all over and his flight into Milwaukee was delayed by 20 minutes which turned into one hour then two hours then finally a canceled flight. The plan was to drive to Milwaukee pick him up and head home. It should only take us about 3 took us 26 hours. We had to go to Illinois and on our way out of the Milwaukee parking garage we got stuck inside as the power was out and we sat there for about 1-2 hours stranded. Then the weather was so bad we were only able to drive 35 miles per hour. Then we had to book a hotel room because by the time we got to him it was 3am. Did I mention it was Kato, Alex, Chief (the dog) and I? We had no dog food and he ate some leftovers from Denny's (bad idea he had stinky gas). Then on the way home Kato went the wrong way and before we knew it we were crossing the Mississippi River into Iowa. 26 hours later we were home with Michael vowing he is not allowed to fly again (we were joking of course). Oh and the time before that he flew into Chicago and was stuck at the airport for 16 hours and Jayne and I had to drive down to get him... in snow,sleet, hail, thunder, rain, and at night.
So today is the day he is supposed to fly home from Washington and whatta ya know??? Its crappy weather here and in St. Paul (his lay over) so he had to sit in the airplane on the runway for 30 minutes while they snow plowed and now his flight out is delayed. So we may have to drive to St. Paul to pick him up. At least the mall of America is close by and we can let out our frustrations while shopping.
Lets hope he makes it home tonight via Madison! xoxo thanks for reading

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