Thursday, June 11, 2009

May 17th 2009

So this weekend we spent cleaning, doing laundry, and using scabies cream. Jade got a mild rash from the cream but she should be fine. Michael had to wash his bedding himself and clean his room. Saturday I made waffles, ham and fried a couple of eggs for Kato. We went to a camp ground in Portage to check out the camp sites for the Lamb cousins camping trip in August. This place was great!! It has a pool, awesome playground for kids, basketball court, baseball field, showers, electricity and water at every site and much more! We should be set for August as long as we are not the only cousins to go. Even if we are it will still be fun to camp. We haven't been camping in a long while. I still remember Michaels first camping trip. We went to Cresent Bar which is in eastern Washington. They had huge forest fires that year and the sky was thick with smoke. It wasn't too far from the Gorge which is a totally awesome place for concerts. Its outside and I have been to several concerts there. Its on the Columbia River and usually really hot in the summer time. Anyway, we slept in the back of my dads truck because I was afraid he would crawl out of the tent. We went water skiing and swam in the river. At night you could hear the concerts at the Gorge. We went with some of my parents friends and we had alot of fun. We ended up getting into trouble with the park people because they said we were too loud. It turned out to the the party someone else was having across the river. With Alex our first camping trip was also great because he said his first words Mama Mama Mama. Kato was jealous but I didn't mind. It was so cute. We camped at Kegonza and fished and walked through the trails. Michael brought a friend, Mikey. Camping is fun but alot of work so this time I am going to plan easy stuff to cook and clean. With water and electricity it shouldn't be a problem. Oh did I mention there is a bar for the adults and next to that is the arcade for the kids. The best of both worlds!! Next weekend is Memorial day and we usually go up to the cottage but the following weekend is Kato's grandpa and grandmas 60th wedding anniversary so we are going to that and traveling two weekends in a row gets to be too much. We invited Katos cousins up from Delavan so I hope they can come. We have a few things planned so the weekend won't go to waste. Plus on Saturday Michael is going to be selling brats for wrestling so if you are in the Sauk Prairie area stop by the Family dollar parking lot for a brat and help out the wrestling team! Time to go get the grill ready for some chicken. Here is a photo of our campsite we picked site number 206! thanks for reading xoxo

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