Thursday, June 11, 2009

March 1, 2009

WOW I am feeling much better. I can't believe it!! I am not sure if it was the zicam or the airborn or maybe both but I feel much better today. I am not 100% but feel like I am on the road to recovery. Tonight we are meeting Jayne (mil) and Keith (fil) at Green Acres for dinner. It was Jaynes birthday yesterday so I made her a cake. We have had this tradition lately of cake making. Last month it was Keiths birthday and so I made him a crown. Then for my birthday Jayne made me a big cup cake. For Michaels birthday in November Jayne made a cake that was a hunters dream and in December she made Alex a spiderman cake. Kato kinda got the short end this year, I made him a cake but it wasn't that fantastic and I feel really bad about it cause of all of us he deserves the best one ever!! I am really lucky to have a great husband who is very supportive and understanding and an excellent father. He provides so much for our family and I am very blessed. I love you K2!
So I leave in a couple of days with Jade and it will be just the boys here. Kato is planning on painting the stairway. Our ceilings are about 30 feet up so we will see how it goes. Alex is a great helper and I hope Michael will pitch in. I hope it goes well for him.
xoxo thanks for reading

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